Martindale Baptist Church
Friday, January 17, 2025
Where knowing Jesus and making Him known is our reason for being here!

Vaction Bible School News

Vacation Bible School News

Comming July 18 thru 22 2016
9 a.m. to 12
We are proud to  announce that we will have a larger and better VBS than last years successful VBS. Our Theme is Subemerged in God. We hope to have a full house for VBS this year. We have  started training the staff, but can always use more workers the more the better. We are opening our doors to childern from pre-k to high school. If you or your children would like to attendent contact the church office at501 821-3956 or email us for the information at We will be having registration in June and July the dates will be posted. Here and localy.